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Jess Ramstrom, owner of Agape PMU, holding a neon sign that says, "You're like really pretty."

Hi there! I'm Jess, and I'm so excited you're here! Making the decision to get permanent makeup (a.k.a. PMU) is a big step for most people, so I'd love for you to get to know me a bit better. This will help you feel confident in putting your beauty needs in my well-trained hands.

  • AGAPE: In ancient Greek, “agape” means “love” - specifically, unconditional love

Growing up, I was bullied because of certain aspects of my appearance (let's just say, my Greek ancestors passed on their hairy genetics...Thanks, guys!). This experience really impacted me as a kid. I desperately wanted to love myself unconditionally, but it was so hard when I was made to feel bad about parts of my body. As I got older and started taking control of my appearance, I stopped feeling as insecure (though, in all honesty, I still struggle at times - who doesn’t?). Some might see that as conditional self-love, but not me - I learned to embrace and love myself fully by shaking off that ugly duckling mindset to become a swan.

That's the biggest reason I got into PMU: I want to help others find that same self-love and confidence. But it's not just about societal beauty standards, friends. It's about reclaiming your time. PMU will give you HOURS back in your day because you'll no longer have a lengthy makeup application routine! It's also about saving money - your bank account will rejoice when you're not constantly replenishing your makeup stash. (Sorry, Sephora, but I think you’ll be just fine.)

I truly believe PMU can be a transformative experience, and I'm honored to be a part of your journey towards self-confidence and practicality. Let's discuss how I can use my skills to help you feel like the best version of yourself, inside and out.

Some quick facts about me, before you go:

  • I was voted the “class doodler” (Most Artistic) in high school. There wasn’t a day where I wasn’t spotted in the halls without paint-stained clothes or art tool stuck in my hair like chopsticks. (I’d probably have my PMU tools keeping up my hair today - but, ya know, cross-contamination is a thing. 

  • At one point in my life, I wanted to be an Art Therapist! In some ways, I achieved that through PMU - I’m a therapist of sorts when meeting with and working on my clients!

  • I love to hike, especially in winter - though I guarantee I will complain about being tired and out of shape the entire way. 

  • I maaaay have an unhealthy obsession with cereal. (Yep, cereal.) My dad and I have a yearly tradition of buying CASES of Count Chocula when it comes out in the fall, so that we can stock up for the year (er, or at least for as long as it lasts before we both devour it all…which is never a full year).

  • When I’m not in the studio, I’m either:

    • Volunteering at events for the Town of Winchendon’s Parks & Rec Commission, or

    • Being a total couch potato with my husband, Kevin, and our cat, Martin!


  • Body Art Establishment: This certifies that my studio itself has been inspected and approved by the Town of Ashburnham’s Board of Health to be used for body art services (i.e. tattooing, permanent makeup). Note: An artist legally should not operate out of any facility that does not have this license available and up to date - so even if you don’t choose to work with me, please keep an eye out for this!

  • Body Art Practitioner: This certifies that my credentials as an individual have been reviewed, are up to date, and approved by the Town of Ashburnham’s Board of Health, and that I can perform body art services (i.e. tattooing, permanent makeup) at the designated establishment. Note: An artist legally should not perform services if they are not licensed by the board of health and out of the specific establishment (unless they obtain separate licenses for additional establishments, or a temporary permit for a guest spot/expo as an example).

  • Bloodborne Pathogens for Body & Tattoo Artists: This is education that must be completed yearly and is OSHA compliant. This training is to understand the various medical and skin infections/diseases that could take place at tattooing if not performed properly, and - more importantly - how to prevent this from happening through infection-prevention and aseptic techniques. This training must be completed and up to date per the Board of Health in order to obtain/renew my Body Art Practitioner license.

  • Adult First Aid/CPR/AED: This is education that must be completed every two (2) years. This training is to recognize and treat the various medical emergencies that may arise on (adult) clients. This training must be completed and up to date per the Board of Health in order to obtain/renew my  Body Art Practitioner license.

  • Provision of Skin Course for Tattoo Artists: This training only needs to be completed once, but is required per the Board of Health in order to obtain/renew your Body Art Practitioner license. It educates tattoo artists on skin conditions, infections, and allergic reactions that can impact how an artist tattoos (or if we should/should not tattoo).

  • Microblading Specialist: Certifies me as a microblading specialist.

  • Saline Tattoo Removal: Certifies me in Botched Ink’s saline removal process for permanent makeup.

  • Lucious Lip & Softap Eyeliner: Certifies me in eyeliner and lip tattooing.

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©2021 by AGÁPE Permanent Cosmetics

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